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【杂志编译】来自UNAIDS的 HIV 统计

感染爱滋病女性的患者人数剧增:来自UNAIDS的报告,从2002年以来,世界各地感染爱滋病的妇女和女孩的比例在增加。报告指出:在全世界3900万患者中将近一半为女性患者。在1998年,为百分之41。在撒哈喇沙漠以南的非洲地区感染爱滋病毒的女性最多,在成年患者中,百分之57的患者为妇女,在15到24岁的患者中,每10名男性中有36名女爱滋病毒携带者。然而,女患者与男患者患有爱滋病的比例在欧洲、亚洲、拉丁美洲增加最明显,例如,在亚洲,女性患者由原来的百分之24增加到百分38,在欧洲,俄罗斯较严重。UNAIDS报告,由于各种原因,妇女患者在爱滋病防护中受益较少,UNAIDS的负责人Dr Peter Piot说:现在是时候采取策略了,阻止对妇女的暴力,确保妇女的财产拥有权和继承权,让妇女享受基本教育的权利和增加就业机会是非常必要的。妇女不仅在生理上对爱滋病毒敏感,而且受贫苦和欲望驱使,常常从事性交易维持基本的生活,她们往往有多名性伴侣。作者指出:社会必须的转换观念。婚姻增加患者的数量反映出一个事实,那就是以前或现在有 多个性伴侣的男子会将病毒转移给他们的妻子,而妻子们没有采取预防的措施。最近的一项研究指出,在赞比亚,只有百分之11的妇女 在知道他们的丈夫患有AIDS后采取防护措施。最后,报告指出:要善待妇女,减少性暴力,增加对妇女的关爱,对降低女性患者的数量是有帮助的。
Women are increasingly affected by AIDS epidemic, report shows
Raghav Chawla
The proportion of women and girls with HIV has increased in every region of the world since 2002, a new report from UNAIDS, the joint United Nations programme on HIV and AIDS, shows.
The report says that nearly half of the estimated 39.4 million people in the world infected with HIV today are female: the proportion in 1998 was 41%.
The proportion is highest in sub-Saharan Africa, which has three quarters of all women infected with HIV in the world. Fifty seven per cent of adults with HIV in this region are women. Among people aged between 15 and 24 years in this region there are on average 36 HIV positive women for every 10 affected men.
The sharpest increases in the proportion of women to men with HIV, however, have been seen in eastern Europe, Asia, and Latin America, says the report. In Russia, for example, the ratio increased from 24% in 2001 to 38% in 2003. With an estimated 860 000 people with HIV at the end of 2003, Russia has the largest epidemic in Europe.
The report indicates that women may be benefiting less from current efforts to prevent HIV infection than men. According to UNAIDS this may be because most HIV prevention strategies assume an idealised world and fail to acknowledge the discrimination many women still face.
"Strategies to address gender inequalities are urgently needed if we want a realistic chance at turning back the epidemic," said Dr Peter Piot, executive director of UNAIDS. "Concrete action is necessary to prevent violence against women, to ensure access to property and inheritance rights, and to enhance basic education and employment opportunities for women and girls."
Not only were women biologically more vulnerable to HIV, but—driven by poverty and the desire for a better life—they commonly found themselves engaging in "transactional sex" in exchange for basic necessities such as money or accommodation, often with many and considerably older male partners.
The authors also say that society has to move away from the belief that long term monogamous relationships are protective. Increasing numbers of infections within marriages reflected the fact that many men with previous or current other sexual partners transmitted the virus to their wives. Often women had no say in taking precautions against infection. As a recent study in Zambia shows, only 11% of women believed that they had the right to insist on condom use, even if they knew that their husband was HIV positive.
Abuse of any kind against women is strongly correlated with the risk of women contracting HIV infection, as various studies have confirmed. Choosing to abstain or have safer sex is not an option for the millions of women around the world who endure rape and sexual violence, the report says





作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2010-10-09 17:11