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Study uses bone marrow stem cells to regenerate skin
New study suggests that adult bone marrow stem cells can be used in the construction of artificial skin
Xi'an, China – January 14, 2009 - A new study suggests that adult bone marrow stem cells can be used in the construction of artificial skin. The findings mark an advancement in wound healing and may be used to pioneer a method of organ reconstruction. The study is published in Artificial Organs, official journal of the International Federation for Artificial Organs (IFAO), the The International Faculty for Artificial Organs (INFA) and the International Society for Rotary Blood Pumps (ISRBP).

To investigate the practicability of repairing burn wounds with tissue-engineered skin combined with bone marrow stem cells, the study established a burn wound model in the skin of pigs, which is known to be anatomically and physiologically similar to human skin.

Engineering technology and biomedical theory methods were used to make artificial skin with natural materials and bone marrow derived stem cells. Once the artificial skin was attached to the patient and the dermal layer had begun to regenerate, stem cells were differentiated into skin cells. The cells are self-renewing and raise the quality of healing in wound healing therapy. When grafted to the burn wounds, the engineered skin containing stem cells showed better healing, less wound contraction and better development of blood vessels.

Skin, the human body's largest organ, protects the body from disease and physical damage, and helps to regulate body temperature. When the skin has been seriously damaged through disease or burns, the body often cannot act fast enough to repair them. Burn victims may die from infection and the loss of plasma. Skin grafts were originally developed as a way to prevent such consequences.

"We hope that this so-called 'engineered structural tissue' will someday replace plastic and metal prostheses currently used to replace damaged joints and bones by suitable materials and stem cells," says Yan Jin of the Fourth Military Medical University, lead author of the study.

2009年1月14日中国西安——一项新的研究提示成人骨髓干细胞可以用于构建人造皮肤。这些发现标志着创伤愈合的一项进展,而且可能用于开创一种器官重建的方法。这项研究发表在了《人工器官》(Artificial Organs)杂志上。该杂志是国际人工器官联合会(IFAO)、国际人工器官联合大学(INFA)和国际旋转式血泵学会(ISRBP)的官方刊物。







自从1977年以来,《人工器官》为涉及人工器官开发的研究和临床应用的国际医学、科学和工程界发表了关于设计、实施和评估生物材料和装置的研究的原创论文。《人工器官》每月出版,它为其读者带来不断促进器官系统的替换、恢复和再生的科学技术的深度和广度。欲获取更多信息,请访问www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/118539732/home。 [标签:content1][标签:content2]







作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-07-21 01:07