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SCIENTISTS have uploaded information into a monkey's brain via a wire and tiny electrodes in what is thought to be the first transmission of electronic data direct into a primate brain.
The research is part of a project aimed at helping paralysed people to walk again by linking the brain to movement sensors that generate data about gait and speed.

The breakthrough, if confirmed, could have wider implications, eventually allowing humans to control computers and machines by thought alone, perhaps even communicate with each other.

"We have succeeded in conveying direct signals into a monkey's cerebral cortex, letting the animal know that the 'treat' of a food pellet was in a particular box rather than another," said Miguel Nicolelis, professor of neuroscience at Duke University, North Carolina, where he runs a centre for neuro-engineering.

The breakthrough is the latest of several from the Walk Again Project, in which US, Swiss and Brazilian researchers are developing a powered exoskeleton (an external skeleton that supports and protects an animal's body) that would move the arms and legs of people with paralysis, allowing them to walk.

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The key missing element is a brain-machine interface, which allows users to control their movements by thought alone.

Professor Nicolelis and his colleagues said they were still far from achieving this, but have had some triumphs.

In one experiment, which has been peer-reviewed and published, a monkey named Aurora learned how to control a computer cursor via electrodes inserted in her brain. This research was extended to patients with advanced Parkinson's disease, who also proved able to control the computer cursor.

In a later experiment, a monkey with electrodes implanted in its brain learned how to transmit mental signals thousands of kilometres over the internet to control the leg movements of a robot in Japan.

However, the subjects were sending out signals rather than receiving them.

"When you walk, vision is not enough to control your body; you need sensory data about gait and speed, too," Professor Nicolelis said. "It means that if paralysed people are to learn how to control these exoskeleton suits, the signals have to flow both ways, into the brain as well as out."

The Sunday Times 美国科学家首次成功将思想植入猴子的脑袋,让猴子“学懂”解读人类讯息。若技术发展成熟,将来四肢瘫痪者可运用意念自如控制机械骨骼,人与人之间更可以意念沟通。

研究由北卡罗来纳州的杜克大学进行,属“Walk Again”(再次步行)计划的一部分,目的是帮助瘫痪者重新步行。科学家在猴子的头骨钻了一些小孔并植入微芯片,每片芯片包括约700个如发丝般细的电极。这些芯片穿入猴子脑部表面数毫米,用来记录讯息和输入数据到猴子的大脑皮层。




讯息双向流动 学习数月



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作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-01-25 12:39