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Quebec City, November 2, 2006 -- A study conducted by Universit?Laval researchers concludes that using an activated-carbon filtering pitcher is the most effective way to reduce disinfection by-products in tap water. The results of the study, funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, were published in a recent edition of the scientific journal Water Research.
Researchers Steven L関esque, Christine Beaulieu, Jean S閞odes, Fran鏾is Proulx, and Manuel Rodriguez, from Universit?Laval's Center for Research in Regional Planning and Development, measured concentrations of the two main drinking water disinfection by-products--trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs)--in samples subjected to different types of indoor handling. These by-products result from chemical reactions between chlorine used to disinfect water and organic matter normally present in it. "They don't affect the smell or the flavor of water, but in high concentrations they are suspected of increasing the risk of certain types of cancer," points out Rodriguez.
Researchers subjected samples collected in private residences to three treatments often used to improve taste, smell and appearance of water: storing water in the refrigerator, boiling water followed by storage in the refrigerator, and filtering water with an activated-carbon filtering pitcher followed by storage in the refrigerator.
Analysis revealed that after a 48-hour period these treatments reduced THMs by respectively 30%, 87%, and 92%. However, results were less convincing with HAAs: direct storage and storage after boiling had no effect on AHAs. The carbon-activated filter, on the other hand, reduced HAA concentration by 66%.
In spite of these results, Rodriguez does not recommend the systematic use of such filtering pitchers. "If you live in a city with adequate water treatment facilities, HAAs are probably within regulation levels and there's no need to subject water to additional treatment," notes the researcher. "However, if I lived in a place where there were regular notifications to boil water or if I knew the water contained high levels of HAAs, I'd consider using home water-treatment devices," concludes Rodriguez.
http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2006-11/ul-uaa110206.php 本人已经认领,如果48小时未交稿,其他战友可以继续编译。 使用活性碳过滤装置可以显著地减少自来水中的化学物质
拉法尔大学区域规划发展研究中心的研究人员Steven Lesque, Christine Beaulieu, Jean Sodes, Franis Proulx, 及 Manuel Rodriguez,用不同的室内处理方法处理样本,进而对饮用水在消毒中产生的两种主要副产物三卤甲烷和含卤乙酸进行了测量浓缩。消毒水中的氯与其间产生的一些有机物质之间会产生化学反应,所以会有这些副产物。Rodriguez 指出:“它们并不会影响水的气味和口感,但在高浓度下可能增加某些癌症的患病率。”
分析结果显示:经过不同的处理,48小时后三卤甲烷分别下降:30%, 87%, 和 92%。而对于含卤乙酸则情况不容乐观:前两种方法对降低含卤乙酸无效,而只有经活性碳过滤处理方可使其浓度下降66%。
尽管如此,Rodriguez并不赞成统一使用这种过滤装置,“如果所在城市有完善的水处理设备,通常含卤乙酸含量并不超标,也就无需对其另加处理了。” Rodriguez如是说,“但是,如果所在地区有通常将水煮沸的警示或是我知道其含卤乙酸过高的话,我会使用家用水处理装置的。”
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2010-11-06 17:11