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而在欧洲,两个不同亚种的尖音库蚊(Culex pipiens)搭载着这一病毒,其中一种叮咬人类,另一种以叮咬鸟类为生。
华盛顿国家自然历史博物馆的封塞卡(Dina Fonseca)和同事指出,上述差异可能解释了为何欧洲的西尼罗病毒疫情相对规模较小。
Emerging vectors in the Culex pipiens complex.
In the Old World, some mosquitoes in the Culex pipiens complex are excellent enzootic vectors of West Nile virus, circulating the virus among birds, whereas others bite mainly humans and other mammals. Here we show that, in northern Europe, such forms differing in behavior and physiology have unique microsatellite fingerprints with no evidence of gene flow between them, as would be expected from distinct species. In the United States, however, hybrids between these forms are ubiquitous. Such hybrids between human-biters and bird-biters may be the bridge vectors contributing to the unprecedented severity and range of the West Nile virus epidemic in North America.
Science. 2004 Mar 5;303(5663):1535-8.
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作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-04-02 05:11