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By Will Boggs, MD
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Jan 12 - In patients with post-stroke hemiplegia, wrist splinting for 4 weeks does not reduce the development of wrist contracture, according to a report in the January issue of Stroke.
"This randomized trial did not set out to investigate the effect of hand splinting for adults who were not receiving rehabilitation," Dr. Natasha A. Lannin from the University of Sydney, Australia told Reuters Health. "It is uncertain whether the finding of no effect in this study would be generalizable to the population of adults who are living in the community and not receiving upper limb training."
Dr. Lannin and colleagues investigated the effect of 4 weeks of night splinting (in neutral or extended wrist position) on contracture in the wrist and long finger flexor muscles in 63 adults after stroke.
Participants experienced a moderate loss of range of motion during the 6-week study, the authors report, and the loss of range of motion did not differ significantly among the neutral-splint group, extension-splint group, or controls.
Splinting had no significant or important effects on secondary measures that included upper limb function, spasticity, and self-reported disability and symptoms, the report indicates.
"The findings of this study present new challenges to physicians and therapists making decisions on how to manage contracture for people following stroke," Dr. Lannin said. "The trial findings suggest an abandonment of splinting intervention post-stroke."
Stroke 2007;38:111-116.
http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/550751 Wrist Splinting Does Not Prevent Wrist Contracture After Stroke
By Will Boggs, MD
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Jan 12 - In patients with post-stroke hemiplegia, wrist splinting for 4 weeks does not reduce the development of wrist contracture, according to a report in the January issue of Stroke.
纽约(路透社卫生专栏)1月12 日——根据1月出版的中风杂志上的一篇报告,在中风后偏瘫病人,4周的腕夹板不能减少腕部挛缩的形成。
"This randomized trial did not set out to investigate the effect of hand splinting for adults who were not receiving rehabilitation," Dr. Natasha A. Lannin from the University of Sydney, Australia told Reuters Health. "It is uncertain whether the finding of no effect in this study would be generalizable to the population of adults who are living in the community and not receiving upper limb training."
澳大利亚悉尼大学的Natasha A. Lannin 博士告诉路透社卫生专栏:“这项随机试验没有启动手夹板对没有接受康复的成人的效果的研究。是否这项研究的无效结果将能推广向社区中的未接受上肢锻炼成人公众仍不确定。”
Dr. Lannin and colleagues investigated the effect of 4 weeks of night splinting (in neutral or extended wrist position) on contracture in the wrist and long finger flexor muscles in 63 adults after stroke.
Lannin 博士和他的同事研究63例中风后成年人夜间固定夹板(在中立位或伸展位)对腕部挛缩和中指屈肌的4周效果。
Participants experienced a moderate loss of range of motion during the 6-week study, the authors report, and the loss of range of motion did not differ significantly among the neutral-splint group, extension-splint group, or controls.
Splinting had no significant or important effects on secondary measures that included upper limb function, spasticity, and self-reported disability and symptoms, the report indicates.
"The findings of this study present new challenges to physicians and therapists making decisions on how to manage contracture for people following stroke," Dr. Lannin said. "The trial findings suggest an abandonment of splinting intervention post-stroke."
Lannin 博士说:“这一研究发现对医生和治疗学家在决定如何处理中风后挛缩时提出了新的挑战。试验结果建议废除中风后夹板固定。 ”
Stroke 2007;38:111-116.
By Will Boggs, MD
纽约(路透社卫生专栏)1月12 日——根据1月出版的中风杂志上的一篇报告,在中风后偏瘫病人,4周的腕夹板不能减少腕部挛缩的形成。
澳大利亚悉尼大学的Natasha A. Lannin 博士告诉路透社卫生专栏:“这项随机试验没有启动手夹板对没有接受康复的成人的效果的研究。是否这项研究的无效结果将能推广向社区中的未接受上肢锻炼成人公众仍不确定。”
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-04-01 05:11