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【medical-news】PNAS: 手指长者多为倒股(票)高手
Jan 13th, 2009
PNAS 原文 (PDF) Attached.
美国科学院院报原文( PDF格式)附加。
Study links finger length, financial success
Looking to score on the stock market in these trying times? You may want to look at your fingers.
A longer ring finger compared to a pointer on male traders predicts their success, suggests a new study. "Successful trading in the financial markets requires more than correct beliefs about the value of securities," says the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences report. "The physiological demands made on traders raise the possibility that success in the markets depends as much on traders’ biological traits as it does on the truth of their beliefs."
The team led by John Coates of England's Cambridge University examined the hands of 44 traders at a London investment firm. Longer ring fingers indicate higher exposure to masculine hormones before birth, previously linked in studies to "increased confidence, risk preferences, and search persistence, as well as heightened vigilance and quickened reaction times," according to the study. They also looked at age and experience as they gauged trader's success.
Traders with the most experience and the longest ring fingers indeed made the most profits, the study concluded. Traders with the longest ring fingers and experience averaged $1 million incomes, compared against equally experienced traders with shorter ring fingers, who averaged only $92,000 a year, a "highly significant" effect in scientific terms, and a pretty depressing one for short-fingered folks.
Researchers suspect the brains of traders who received a higher dose of masculine hormones are more obsessive, better enabling them to screen out "noise" from the trading floor as they pursue profits in single-minded fashion. "Noise trading, unlike more analytic forms of trading, requires these physical skills because traders must scan the screens for extended periods of time and react quickly when an opportunity arises," says the study.
研究人员怀疑的大脑中充满了高剂量的男性荷尔蒙的贸易商将更痴迷。因此,为了追求利润,他们能够一心一意地、更好地从交易大厅筛选出一些“噪音”(或者翻译成干扰信息)。这项研究指出:“噪音交易不像其他的解析形式的交易,它需要一些生理技能,因为这些贸易商必须扫描屏幕长时间并在机会出现时迅速作出反应” 。
And the long-fingered effect lasts over the long term they add, "digit ratios predict profitability, not vice versa. Moreover, the correlations we have observed in this cohort between digit ratios and profits hold true over a 20-month period; and the correlations between digit ratios and years of experience hold over many years, in both bull and bear markets."
长期指效应持续长期的???(请高人指点),研究人员补充说, “数字比率预测盈利,而不是相反。此外,多年来,在牛市和熊市中我们观察到这个队列之间的两位数的比率和利润举行真正在20个月期间的相关性;和两位数的比率之间的相互关系和多年的经验“。
But there is hope for men with less masculine hands, the study concludes, saying "the correlation may weaken among traders who require additional skills. Flow traders at the investment banks, for example, engage in high-frequency trading, but they also require an ability to deal with clients and a sales force, and these traders often make the bulk of their profits and losses from client business rather than pure risk-taking." Long-term strategies of holding onto stocks -- cue billionaire Warren Buffett -- call for a softer touch, they suggest.
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-03-06 05:23