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Published On Friday, October 27, 2006 4:39 AM
Contributing Writer
Forget about the birds and the bees—it’s the multivitamin.
In a study conducted over an eight-year span involving more than 18,500 women, Harvard School of Public Health researchers found that women who took six or more multivitamin tablets a week reduced their incidence of ovulatory infertility by 40 percent.
“Since these findings are preliminary, it is important that they undergo peer review (currently underway) so that the medical and scientific communities have a chance to scrutinize the study more closely and decide about their relevance,” Jorge E. Chavarro, a research fellow in the Department of Nutrition and an author of the study, wrote in an e-mail.
Chavarro’s preliminary results were presented last Monday during the annual meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.
According to the press release, the folic acid in multivitamins is thought to be the most direct link to ovulatory fertility.
“I think that multivitamins are definitely not going to hurt anybody who’s trying to become pregnant,” Chavarro said in the press release. “They should be recommended—or at least folic acid should be recommended—to prevent neural tube defects. I think that as far as infertility is concerned, this is a good initial step, but it needs to be replicated in other studies.”
The other investigators involved in the study were Stare professor and chair of the nutrition department Walter Willett, assistant professor of epidemiology Janet Rich-Edwards ’84, and professor of biostatistics Bernard Rosner.
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Jorge E. Chavarro,作为营养学科的一位研究同道和该项研究的一名作者,他在电子邮件中写道:“虽然这些发现是前期的研究,但重要的是他们经历了同行评议(目前正在进行),以至于医疗和科学团体有机会细查这项研究,决定它们的相关性。”
“我认为那些将要怀孕的女性服用多种维生素对机体没有害处。” Chavarro在大会发言中说。“应该向怀孕女性推荐,或至少应该推荐叶酸,这种维生素可以防止神经管缺陷。我想从长远角度来看,不孕症患者也可以考虑,这是一个好的开始,但需要其他的研究来证实。”
参与这项研究的有Walter Willett营养科的教授和主任Stare,流行病学助教Janet Rich-Edwards ’84和生物统计学教授Bernard Rosner.
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2010-10-21 17:11