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乳腺癌是女性最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,其发病常与遗传有关。最近,英国和加拿大的研究人员合作研究发现,一种名为ZNF703的基因过度活跃,会导致乳腺癌。研究人员称,这是科学家5年来发现的首个乳腺癌致癌基因,对于乳腺癌的治疗极具意义。相关研究成果发表在2月18日《欧洲分子生物学学会—分子医学》(EMBO Molecular Medicine)上。




英国癌症研究所的莱斯利·沃尔克博士则表示,ZNF703是5年来发现的首个乳腺癌致癌基因,对于开发新的乳腺癌治疗药物十分重要,希望能藉此开发出更有效的癌症治疗手段。(来源:科技日报 刘海英) The telomeric amplicon at 8p12 is common in oestrogen receptor-positive (ER+) breast cancers. Array-CGH and expression analyses of 1172 primary breast tumours revealed that ZNF703 was the single gene within the minimal amplicon and was amplified predominantly in the Luminal B subtype. Amplification was shown to correlate with increased gene and protein expression and was associated with a distinct expression signature and poor clinical outcome. ZNF703 transformed NIH 3T3 fibroblasts, behaving as a classical oncogene, and regulated proliferation in human luminal breast cancer cell lines and immortalized human mammary epithelial cells. Manipulation of ZNF703 expression in the luminal MCF7 cell line modified the effects of TGFβ on proliferation. Overexpression of ZNF703 in normal human breast epithelial cells enhanced the frequency of in vitro colony-forming cells from luminal progenitors. Taken together, these data strongly point to ZNF703 as a novel oncogene in Luminal B breast cancer. ZNF703 is a common Luminal B breast cancer oncogene that differentially regulates luminal and basal progenitors in human mammary epithelium
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/emmm.201100122/full 医药生命科学动态跟踪 -【科普】美丽的药都安国 babychong 【bio-news】我国科学家***人体代谢“垃圾”致癌... zyp24306 【进展】医药生命科学动态跟踪-指环王传奇 duweijie_521 【JNCI】乳腺癌复...www.ruanjian520.com/...-1.html-2011-01-20-快照-医药生命科学动态跟踪 -" 科学成就健康文件类型:PDF/Adobe Acrobat- 文字版不要相信有利益关系的“科学家” 虽然科学研究是科学家做的,但是个别的科学家并不能... DNA 造成损 伤,进而导致基因突变.基因突变一般来说是有害的,例如会导致癌变.自由...www.54md.com/...e/51766226.pdf-2011-02-01-科学成就健康" 科普资料汇编——生物学2008年7月17日... 4.基因工程 5.克隆技术 6.人类基因组计划 7.生命科学的变革 8.胚胎研究 9.新... 几乎同时科学家又发现光合作用本质上是动物呼吸的逆过程.又如1828年沃勒...www.yznews.com.cn/...78151.htm-2008-07-17-快照-科普资料汇编——生物学"[标签:content2]







作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-02-23 13:16