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【medical-news】汇010 雅典99年地震后成人心理Psyc


One year after the 7 September 1999 earthquake in Athens, Greece, we investigated the psychological consequences among 305 individuals (71 per cent female) residing in the settlements of Ano Liosia Municipality.
1999年9月7日雅典地震后一年,我们调查了305名(71%为女性)居住在 Ano Liosia市的成人的心理后果(影响)。

Adaptability was difficult (63 per cent) due to limited space (50 per cent). Insecurity feelings were predictive of difficult adaptability (chi(2)= 29.8, p<0.0001) and were common (63 per cent) among married subjects, independent of age (chi(2)= 5.0, odds ratio (OR): 0.49, 95 per cent confidence interval (CI): 0.26-0.90).

Eighty per cent expressed stress feelings, mainly nervousness/tension (60 per cent). Adaptability (chi(2)= 5.3, OR: 0.5, 95 per cent CI: 0.27-0.9), age (chi(2)= 6.5, OR: 1.03, 95 per cent CI: 1.01-1.06), and female gender (chi(2)= 4.7, OR: 0.48, 95 per cent CI: 0.25-0.90) were independent predictors of stress feelings.

The majority (55 percent) developed sleep disorders, chiefly insomnia (60 percent). Adaptability problems were the only predictor of sleep disorders (chi(2)= 6.4, OR: 0.5, 95 per cent CI: 0.33-0.87). Psychiatric medication use increased after the earthquake.





作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2010-10-12 17:11