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活细胞显像 Ebola 病毒VP40蛋白定位于膜 Lipid raft
Panchal et al 首先用Western blotting 发现VP40在细胞中形成寡聚体, 而且VP40 oligomers只与膜lipid raft结合, 提示这种结合是VP40 oligomerization的关键.
作者进一步用 biarsenic compound FIAsH(a compound that fluoresces green when bound to a genetically engineered protein motif )方法标记各种VP40的突变体,也证实VP40定位与细胞膜lipid rafts ,而且C-末端18aa 对于VP40的膜定位甚为关键,这一研究提示细胞膜与VP40的膜脂定位有直接的关系并与病毒的芽生密切相关.
R.G. Panchal et al., “In vivo oligomerization and raft localization of Ebola virus protein, VP40, during vesicular budding,” PNAS, DOI:10.1073/pnas.2533915100, December 1, 2003.
另外,FIAsH 标记蛋白的方法.
B.A. Griffin et al., “Fluorescent labeling of recombinant proteins in living cells with FlAsH,” Methods in Enzymology, 327:565-578, 2000. [标签:content1][标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-03-31 05:11