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【bio-news】胚胎干细胞有益于Bumpy Nanoscale Mattres
12/13/06 -- Nothing in the cellular world is flat. Even the flattest of basement membranes has topography; bumps, if you like, beneath the cellular mattress.
Unlike the princess kept awake by the pea, human embryonic stem (HES) cells do better when cultured on a substrate deliberately printed with nanoscale grooves and ridges, according to researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
The researchers used soft lithography to stamp polyurethane substrates with a nano- micron scale topography; a rugged cellular landscape ranging from a few billionths to a few millionths of a meter in altitude.
The HES cells in culture seemed to appreciate the bumps. A line of HES cells grown for five days on the artificial ridges and grooves kept their "stemness," their self-renewing phenotype, far better than HES cells plated on standard flat culture surfaces, according to Daniel McFarlin, K.J. Finn, and Chris Murphy of the University of Wisconsin's School of Veterinary Medicine, who teamed with P.F. Nealey of the University's Department of Chemical Engineering.
Unlike stem cells derived from adult tissues, which have a limited number of cell doublings, embryonic stem cells cultured under the right conditions have the potential to divide indefinitely, without losing their pluripotent properties. But until now, HES cell cultures had a tendency to spontaneously differentiate, that is, to veer off without warning into a developmental pathway. HES cell cultures have to be closely watched to remove any of these spontaneously differentiated colonies.
Researchers have looked at surface chemistry, growth factors, and mechanical forces as factors in runaway stem cell differentiation, but topography is a new dimension for HES, say Murphy and McFarlin, and a highly promising one.
This is the first demonstration that the physical topography, using controlled feature dimensions, of cell culture surfaces influences HES cell differentiation and self-renewal, according to the researchers. For HES cells to realize their potential in clinical medicine, they would have to be cultured in great quantities and with great fidelity to their pluripotent phenotype. Fine-tuning their nano-micro topography could boost the efficiency of HES cell propagation.
Source: American Society for Cell Biology
http://www.bio.com/newsfeatures/newsfeatures_research.jhtml;jsessionid=OLHVXI3T1UEQLR3FQLMCFEWHUWBNSIV0?cid=24200029 Embryonic Stem Cells Do Better on Bumpy Nanoscale Mattress
12/13/06 -- Nothing in the cellular world is flat. Even the flattest of basement membranes has topography; bumps, if you like, beneath the cellular mattress. 编译:
豌豆公主会因为床垫下的一颗豆子而睡不着,相比起来,人胚干细胞(HES cells)要好的多。据Wisconsin-Mandison大学的研究人员,在有意布满纳米级“山壑”的培养基上,HES细胞生长的更好。
HES细胞似乎更青睐崎岖不平的表面。来自Wisconsin大学兽医学院和化学工程学院的Daniel McFarlin等研究者发现,在人造的凹凸培养基上,一株HES细胞生长了5天仍保持它的“干细胞本色”,即能自我更新的表型,而在标准平板培养基上生长的HES细胞远不能保持这么久。
Murphy 和 McFarlin 指出,研究者们已着着眼于研究表面化学、细胞因子和机械作用力等可能使干细胞进入分化歧途的因素,而基质的表面微观形貌则提供了一个前景广阔的新视角。
来源:美国细胞生物学学会 [标签:content1][标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-03-06 05:23