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A Double-blind Randomized Trial of 0.1% Tacrolimus vs 0.05% Clobetasol for the Treatment of Childhood Vitiligo.
Lepe V, Moncada B, Castanedo-Cazares JP, Torres-Alvarez MB, et al. Archives of Dermatology [NLM - MEDLINE]. May 2003. Vol. 139, Iss. 5; pg. 581

OBJECTIVE: To assess the safety and efficacy of topical 0.1% tacrolimus vs 0.05% clobetasol propionate. DESIGN: Randomized double-blind trial. SETTING: PARTICIPANTS: From 20 children with vitiligo, 2 symmetrical lesions of about the same size and evolution time were selected. They were devoid of any topical or systemic therapy for 2 months prior to inclusion.Interventions Treatment with topical tacrolimus and clobetasol for a 2-month period. MAIN OUTCOMES MEASURES: The grade of repigmentation was evaluated by color slides at baseline and again at every 2-week visit. The slides were analyzed by 2 clinicians unrelated to the study and by a morphometric digitalized computer program. Characteristics of pigment, time of response, symptoms, telangiectasias, and atrophy were evaluated every 2 weeks. RESULTS: Eighteen (90%) of the 20 patients experienced some repigmentation. The mean percentage of repigmentation was 49.3% for clobetasol and 41.3% for tacrolimus. Lesions in 3 patients using clobetasol presented atrophy, and 2 lesions incurred telangiectasias; tacrolimus caused a burning sensation in 2 lesions. CONCLUSIONS: Tacrolimus proved almost as effective as clobetasol propionate to restore skin color in lesions of vitiligo in children. Because it does not produce atrophy or other adverse effects, tacrolimus may be very useful for younger patients and for sensitive areas of the skin such as eyelids, and it should be considered in other skin disorders currently treated with topical steroids for prolonged periods.
目标:评估局部使用0.1%免疫抑制剂对比0.05%丙酸氯倍他索的安全性和效用。设计:随机双盲实验。机构:Department of Dermatology, Hospital Central Dr Ignacio Morones Prieto, San Luis Potosi, Mexico.。参与者:20例患有白癜风的儿童病例,选取2处对称的皮损,具有相同大小及进展时间。在纳入之前他们未进行任何局部或是系统的治疗已有2月。采用局部的免疫抑制剂和氯倍他索进行为期2个月的干预治疗。主要结果措施:色素重新形成的等级采用基线颜色标尺进行评估,每2周再观测一次。结果:18例(90%)患者出现色素重新形成,氯倍他索组色素重新形成的平均百分比为49.3%,而免疫抑制剂组为41.3%。氯倍他索组3例患者的皮损萎缩,并且2处皮损出现毛细血管扩张,而免疫抑制剂在2处皮损引起烧灼感。结论:经证实,免疫抑制剂在恢复儿童白癜风皮损的皮肤颜色上与丙酸氯倍他索大致相同的有效性。因其不引起萎缩或是其它并发症,免疫抑制剂可能对年龄较小的患者及眼睑等皮肤敏感区域非常有用,并且应考虑将其用于其它常规局部使用类固醇来拖延病程的皮肤疾病。 [标签:content1][标签:content2]


作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-03-05 17:23