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【商业翻译】(医师报约稿)Breakthrough Clinical
Breakthrough Clinical Results Reveal Extended Retrieval Times For Cook Medical's Günther Tulip™ Vena Cava Filter
A non-randomised, prospective study by H. Bob Smouse, MD that examined the times in which Cook Medical's Günther Tulip™ Vena Cava Filter could be successfully retrieved from patients has presented breakthrough results, Cook officials reported today. Dr. Smouse, who works at the University of Illiniois College of Medicine at Peoria, served as the National Principal Investigator for the multi-center study, which was presented at the 2007 Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR) annual meeting. Clinical study results revealed that Cook Günther Tulip™ Vena Cava Filter can be safely retrieved up to 12 weeks post-implant with a success rate of 94 percent when used for prevention of pulmonary embolism (PE).
"This clinical study, which is the largest to examine vena cava filter retrievals, reveals breakthrough results about physicians' ability to retrieve Cook's Cook's Günther Tulip months after implantation," said Dr. Smouse. "Our hope is that these results become the criterion to which all vena cava filters must measure up to."
The Günther Tulip Vena Cava Filter received Food and Drug Administration clearance in October 2000 for permanent placement in patients and in October 2003 for retrievable use. The Günther Tulip is an implanted device used to capture blood clots caused by trauma, surgery or other medical conditions before they can reach the lungs, causing a PE.
"This retrieval data clearly demonstrates the versatility afforded to clinicians who choose the Günther Tulip Filter for their patients" said Rob Lyles, global leader of Cook Medical's Peripheral Intervention products division. "The option to place the filter permanently or to retrieve it up to 12 weeks with such a high degree of success gives clinicians and their patients a lot of flexibility in tailoring a therapeutic regimen to prevent PE."
The prospective study initiated enrollment on February 9, 2005 and closed enrollment on July 31, 2006. 555 patients were enrolled at 25 U.S. based investigational institutions
About Cook Medical
Cook Medical was the first company to introduce interventional devices in the United States. Today, the company integrates device design, biopharma, gene and cell therapy and biotech to enhance patient safety and improve clinical outcomes in the fields of aortic intervention; cardiology; critical care medicine; gastroenterology; radiology, peripheral vascular, bone access and oncology; surgery and soft tissue repair; urology; and assisted reproductive technology, gynecology and high-risk obstetrics. Cook won the prestigious Medical Device Manufacturer of the Year Award for 2006 from Medical Device & Diagnostic Industry magazine. Breakthrough Clinical Results Reveal Extended Retrieval Times For Medical's Günther Tulip™ Vena Cava Filter
突破性的临床结果揭示了Cook医疗公司的 Günther Tulip腔静脉滤器长期回收时间
A non-randomised, prospective study by H. Bob Smouse, MD that examined the times in which Cook Medical's Günther Tulip™ Vena Cava Filter could be successfully retrieved from patients has presented breakthrough results, Cook officials reported today. Dr. Smouse, who works at the University of Illiniois College of Medicine at Peoria, served as the National Principal Investigator for the multi-center study, which was presented at the 2007 Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR) annual meeting. Clinical study results revealed that Cook Günther Tulip™ Vena Cava Filter can be safely retrieved up to 12 weeks post-implant with a success rate of 94 percent when used for prevention of pulmonary embolism (PE).
今天Cook公司的官方报道说:医学博士H. Bob Smouse的一项非随机前瞻性研究——调查Cook医疗公司的 Günther Tulip腔静脉滤器能够成功的从患者体内回收的时间——已经取得了突破性进展。伊利诺州立大学医学院Smouse博士作为国家主要研究者进行了这项多中心研究,并在2007介入放射学联合会年会上发表。临床研究结果揭示当使用Cook医疗公司的 Günther Tulip腔静脉滤器预防肺栓塞时,滤器能够在植入后12周安全回收,成功率94%。
"This clinical study, which is the largest to examine vena cava filter retrievals, reveals breakthrough results about physicians' ability to retrieve Cook's Cook's Günther Tulip months after implantation," said Dr. Smouse. "Our hope is that these results become the criterion to which all vena cava filters must measure up to."
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-03-05 17:23