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目前大多数避孕药含较低剂量的的孕激素,其可以在不影响月经周期的情况下使雌激素水平降低.市场上也有一些口服避孕药能减少月经量甚至消除月经,此类药通常要连服21天,其后7天应 服用安慰剂.
据纽约时报称,IUDs的有效避孕率达到了 99.7%,这与女性采取绝育措施的效果相同,而且女性的生殖功能是可以完全恢复的。然而,尽管IUDs十分有效且安全,但美国妇女并不钟情于这种方法。
目前,美国市场上有两种IUDs,一种是Mirena ,它能缓慢地释放孕酮;另一种是 ParaGard,它不含激素。在采取避孕措施的妇女中,约有2%的妇女采用IUDs .
据时报称,无激素避孕药(例如ParaGard Copper T 380A,一种避孕率达到99%的含铜 IUD)在市场上已有出售,世界各地有约有七千五百万妇女采用了这种避孕方法.
译者注 : IUD 即intrauterine device(子宫内避孕器),它通过宫颈放入子宫内以达到避孕目的.有一小段线状物从IUD垂至阴道上部.在性交过程中,IUD是不会被察觉到的.IUD有效期为1至10年不等.其作用机制是通过影响卵子和精子的运动来防止受孕,除此之外,它还可以通过改变子宫内膜状况来防止受精卵着床.
Contraceptive options in the U.S. examined
The New York Times on Tuesday examined contraceptive options in the U.S., where 60% of unplanned pregnancies occur among women who use contraception.
Some contraceptive devices -- such as cervical caps, condoms, diaphragms, sponges, and spermicidal jellies and creams -- often are not effective because they need to be applied at times of sexual activity, the Times reports.
A wide range of hormonal contraceptives and intrauterine devices provide effective methods of contraception, according to the Times.
Most available oral contraceptives now have lower doses of progestin, which allows for lower doses of estrogen without disruption of the menstrual cycle.
There also are types of oral contraceptives that can reduce or eliminate monthly menstrual periods and often are taken for 21 consecutive days followed by seven days of placebo pills.
Other contraceptive options include injections, transdermal patches, vaginal rings, implantable devices and IUDs.
According to the Times, IUDs -- which are 99.7% effective in preventing pregnancy -- are "about as effective as female sterilization but completely reversible."
However, "[a]s effective and safe as IUDs are, they have never caught on with American women," the Times reports (Brody, New York Times, 10/17).
Currently, two types of IUDs are available in the U.S. -- Mirena, which slowly releases the hormone progesterone, and ParaGard, which is hormone-free.
About 2% of women who use contraception use IUDs (Kaiser Daily Women's Health Policy Report, 6/14/05).
Hormone-free contraceptives -- such as the ParaGard Copper T 380A, which is a copper-containing IUD that is 99% effective in preventing pregnancy -- also are available and used by 75 million women worldwide, according to the Times (New York Times, 10/17).
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2010-11-06 17:11