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Scientists said they've found a way to enable mice paralyzed by spinal cord injuries walk again, according to a study published in this week's edition of the journal Nature Medicine. 粗译:主意译,请站友们不吝斧正,谢谢!
Scientists Say Rewiring Helps Mice Paralyzed by Spinal Injuries Walk Again
Scientists said they've found a way to enable mice paralyzed by spinal cord injuries walk again, according to a study published in this week's edition of the journal Nature Medicine.
Researchers from the University of California Los Angeles say mice given partial spinal cord injuries were able to regain the ability to walk within eight to 10 weeks, although not as well as before the injury, according to a Reuters report.
Spinal cord damage obstructs the pathways the brain uses to transit messages to the nerve cells that control walking. Current thinking is that the only way someone with a spinal cord injury could walk again is to regrow the long nerve highways linking the brain and base of the spinal cord.
But scientists from UCLA found that detouring the "walking" messages around the injury helped the mice regain some mobility.
Using a traffic analogy Dr Michael Sofroniew, lead author and a professor of neurobiology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, told Reuters, "If you have a big freeway going somewhere, then that's the fastest route to take. If that gets blocked and you can't get through, an alternative way might be simply to get off the freeway and use shorter interconnected side streets to get around."
来自UCLA,David Geffen医学院的,神经生物学教授及主编Michael Sofroniew博士对路透社说,“就好比是道路交通,如果你可以通过一条高速公路到达某地,这是条捷径。如果这条路给堵了,你就过不去了,就要换种方法来通过这条高速公路;嫁接一条短的桥样旁路,以跨接,并通过堵塞路段。”
Key words:
1,Current thinking is that the only way someone with a spinal cord injury could walk again is to regrow 如果通过搭桥法进行神经信息传导,信息丢失量是很大的,我导师单位有干细胞移植的想法,但,效果不是理想,仅仅在动物实验中进行;如何找到一个合适的桥接体是一个值得研究的方向,能否采用像周围神经移植一样的改建、代替、嫁接等等,都是值得研究的课题;如果利用像电子假肢样技术可能有利于这项技术的延伸。见笑了,我现在只是在考虑是否从显微外科再转回脊柱外科方向的研究?!中山一附院郑召民教授也是建议我要改行,尽早改,而我总是当我能解决一个难题以后,对这个领域的研究需要新的平台,去探讨更为难的难题。我又啰嗦了! 不知,肋间神经移植髓内是否可行? 实际上,在非完全脊髓横断伤的SCI患者早期给予一些抑制神经瘢痕生成的药,给神经建立旁路的机会,在后期给予促进神经生长的药,对于很大部分的患者而言,恢复基本生活自理是没问题的。 实际上,在非完全脊髓横断伤的SCI患者早期给予一些抑制神经瘢痕生成的药,给神经建立旁路的机会,在后期给予促进神经生长的药,对于很大部分的患者而言,恢复基本生活自理是没问题的。
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2010-10-22 17:11