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Cells Lost In Parkinson Disease Replaced By Cultured Cells

Parkinson disease (PD) is caused by the progressive degeneration of brain cells known as dopamine (DA) cells. Replacing these cells is considered a promising therapeutic strategy. Although DA cell-replacement therapy by transplantation of human fetal mesencephalic tissue has shown promise in clinical trials, limited tissue availability means that other sources of these cells are needed. Now, Ernest Arenas and colleagues at the Karolinska Institue, Sweden, have identified a new source for DA cells that provided marked benefit when transplanted into mice with a PD-like disease.

In the study, DA cells were derived from ventral midbrain (VM) neural stem cells/progenitors by culturing them in the presence of a number of factors - FGF2, sonic hedgehog, and FGF8 - and engineering them to express Wnt5a. This protocol generated 10-fold more DA cells than did conventional FGF2 treatment. Further analysis revealed that these cells initiated substantial cellular and functional recovery when transplanted into mice with PD-like disease. Importantly, the mice did not develop tumors, a potential risk that has precluded the clinical development of embryonic stem cells as a source of DA cells. These data led the authors to suggest that Wnt5a-treated neural stem cells might be an efficient and safe source of DA cells for the treatment of individuals with PD.

http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/90588.php Cells Lost In Parkinson Disease Replaced By Cultured Cells
Parkinson disease (PD) is caused by the progressive degeneration of brain cells known as dopamine (DA) cells. Replacing these cells is considered a promising therapeutic strategy. Although DA cell-replacement therapy by transplantation of human fetal mesencephalic tissue has shown promise in clinical trials, limited tissue availability means that other sources of these cells are needed. Now, Ernest Arenas and colleagues at the Karolinska Institue, Sweden, have identified a new source for DA cells that provided marked benefit when transplanted into mice with a PD-like disease.
帕金森病是由于脑中多巴细胞的逐渐减少所引起的。移植替代这些细胞被认为是治疗帕金森病很有希望的治疗手段。尽管目前胎儿中脑组织来源的细胞移植在帕金森病DA细胞替代治疗的应用在临床试验显示其是很有希望的,但是由于移植组织来源的限制,我们需要新的移植细胞来源。瑞士Karolinska研究所的Ernest Arenas教授和他的同事们,成功的分离出多巴(DA)细胞,并且发现这些细胞移植入有类帕金森病小鼠后,能显著改善类帕金森病小鼠。
In the study, DA cells were derived from ventral midbrain (VM) neural stem cells/progenitors by culturing them in the presence of a number of factors - FGF2, sonic hedgehog, and FGF8 - and engineering them to express Wnt5a. This protocol generated 10-fold more DA cells than did conventional FGF2 treatment. Further analysis revealed that these cells initiated substantial cellular and functional recovery when transplanted into mice with PD-like disease. Importantly, the mice did not develop tumors, a potential risk that has precluded the clinical development of embryonic stem cells as a source of DA cells. These data led the authors to suggest that Wnt5a-treated neural stem cells might be an efficient and safe source of DA cells for the treatment of individuals with PD.
在这个试验中,多巴(DA)细胞是(丘脑)腹内侧核的神经干细胞,在一系列细胞因子FGF2、sonic hedgehog、FGF8的作用(这些因子使Wnt5a表达)作用下分化而来的。这个操作指南,比传统的FGF2的方法能多得到10倍的多巴(DA)细胞。后面的分析发现,类帕金森病小鼠植入这些细胞后,这些植入的细胞开始发挥实质性的作用,并进行功能的替代。最重要的是,这些小鼠没有发生肿瘤,这预先排除了胚胎干细胞作为多巴(DA)细胞来源的临床应用的潜在危险。这些数据让作者们得出这样的结论,经过Wnt5a处理的神经干细胞,可能是治疗帕金森病的多巴(DA)细胞安全,有效的来源。
。 编译(共515个中文字)
帕金森氏病是由于脑中的多巴细胞逐渐减少所引起的。移植替代这些细胞被认为是治疗帕金森病很有希望的治疗手段。尽管目前胎儿中脑组织来源的多巴(DA)细胞移植在帕金森病多巴DA细胞替代治疗的应用在临床试验显示其是很有希望的,但是由于移植组织来源有限的限制,我们需要新的移植细胞来源。瑞士Karolinska研究所的Ernest Arenas教授和他的同事们,成功的分离出多巴(DA)细胞,并且发现这些细胞移植入有类帕金森病小鼠后,能显著改善类帕金森病小鼠。







作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-09-02 17:15