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荷兰奈梅亨大学的研究人员在新一期英国医学杂志《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)上报告说,他们请100多名帕金森氏症患者尝试骑自行车,然后与其实际医学诊断结果对照。结果发现,普通帕金森氏症患者中只有约4%的人不能骑自行车,而非典型帕金森氏症患者中有超过50%的人丧失了骑自行车的能力。
Doctors have written to The Lancet medical journal saying that asking a Parkinson's patient if they are still able to ride a bike is more valuable than many diagnostic tests.
The team from the Netherlands said those with standard Parkinson's were more likely to still be able to ride a bike, where as those with atypical Parkinson's were not.
Only four per cent of those with standard Parkinson's were unable to ride a bike compare with more than half of those with the atypical form of the condition.
Atypical Parkinson's is more likely to involve cognitive and memory problems as well as the tremor associated with the standard form of the disease, and may require a different treatment.
The letter signed by Drs Marjolein Aerts, Wilson Abdo, and Prof Bastiaan Bloem, of the Department of Neurology, in Parkinson Centre Nijmegen, Netherlands, said: “We suggest that the answer to one simple question—‘Can you still ride a bicycle?’—offers good diagnostic value for separating Parkinson’s disease from atypical parkinsonism.”
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/8243398/Bike-test-holds-key-to-Parkinsons-diagnosis-doctors.html 吃好不吃药文件类型:PDF/Adobe Acrobat- 文字版毛钱就管住了,他没有按照科学的办法,结果就花了 90 万.其实 预防很简单,减少很多人... 无价的生命的延续.结果自己少受罪,儿女少受累,节省医药费,还造福全社会,何乐而不为呢...www.54md.com/...e/90440847.pdf-2010-12-28-药" 生命与长寿究,实际上必须彻底改变思维层次,要用动态的,变化的整体的观念去认识 生命.生命科学最... 生帕金森氏症、体位性低血压、动作困难、黄疸瘀积等.强效的降压药如受 体或神经节...www.360doc.com/...199773.shtml-2010-07-29-快照-生命与长寿" 一、生命起源文件类型:PDF/Adobe Acrobat- 文字版究,实际上必须彻底改变思维层次,要用动态的,变化的整体的观念去认识 生命.生命科学最... 生帕金森氏症、体位性低血压、动作困难、黄疸瘀积等.强效的降压药如受 体或神经节...wjszxx.com/...ok09/9050091.PDF-2011-01-03-生命起源"[标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-01-09 23:22