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这项研究计划系由卡西储备大学流行病暨生物统计学系(the Departments of Epidemiology and Biostatistics)教授Dr. Smyth所主持的,其研究人员找来122位罹患阿滋海默氏症的病人与235位没有罹患此病的正常人,而且其年龄均超过60岁,该研究小组同时调查收集这两组人在过去四十年所从事行业的历史数据,并且以10年作为划分,分别比较这些人在20岁、30岁、40岁、50岁的十年当中,所从事的行业的性质对阿滋海默氏症发展进行相关研究。
Dr. Smyth指出,阿滋海默氏症这种疾病和个人追求精神挑战工作的能力有早期显著的影响,也就是说,一份高耗心力需求的工作可以让脑细胞活动增加并且让脑部细胞维持具有抵抗罹患阿滋海默氏症的能力,而此研究结果与克里夫兰的卡西储备大学医院研究团队的Dr. Friedland早期的研究相雷同,Dr. Friedland也发现晚年没有罹患阿滋海默氏症的人在年轻的时候都似乎参与了社交、心智和体能的休闲活动,Dr. Friedland.也说平日活动与阿滋海默氏症具有很大关连,而其它罹患阿滋海默氏症的因素则包括饮食和身体的运动等,他同时建议人们结合社交、心智和体能的休闲活动以预防阿滋海默氏症。
K. A. Smyth, T. Fritsch, T. B. Cook, M. J. McClendon, C. E. Santillan, and R. P. Friedland Worker functions and traits associated with occupations and the development of AD Neurology, Aug 2004; 63: 498 - 503 Worker functions and traits associated with occupations and the development of AD
K. A. Smyth, PhD, T. Fritsch, PhD, T. B. Cook, MPH, M. J. McClendon, PhD, C. E. Santillan, MD and R. P. Friedland, MD
From the Departments of Epidemiology and Biostatistics (Dr. Smyth) and Neurology (Drs. Friedland, Fritsch, and Santillan), Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine; The University Hospitals of Cleveland/Case Western Reserve University Memory and Aging Center (Drs. Fritsch, McClendon, Santillan, and Smyth); and the Center on Urban Poverty and Social Change (T.B. Cook), Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Kathleen A. Smyth, University Memory and Aging Center, 12200 Fairhill Road, Cleveland, OH 44120; e-mail: Kathleen.Smyth@case.edu
Objective: To investigate the association between Alzheimer disease (AD) and worker functions and traits associated with occupations.
Background: Studies have reported that occupational attainment is related to AD. However, most have not identified specific worker functions and traits (i.e., occupational demands) of occupations that may explain the association, nor have they accounted for changing occupational demands over time.
Methods: Within- and between-group differences in mental, motor, physical, and social occupational demands of 122 AD cases and 235 control subjects were compared across four decades of life (20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s) using repeated-measures analyses of covariance adjusted for race, gender, year of birth, and education.
Results: Overall, mental occupational demands were significantly lower and physical occupational demands were significantly higher for cases than for control subjects. Case/control differences in mental demand scores were not found in their 20s but only in later decades. Differences in physical demands were found in all decades but their 30s. Social and motor demands did not differ between cases and control subjects. Among cases only, there were no significant occupational demand score differences across decades. In contrast, mental and social demand scores of control subjects increased in later decades, and motor demand scores declined. Like cases, physical demand scores of control subjects remained stable across the decades.
Conclusions: The authors’ results may indicate a relatively early influence of Alzheimer disease neuropathology on capacity to pursue mentally demanding occupations. However, results also are consistent with the notion that mentally demanding occupations have a direct influence on Alzheimer disease neuropathology.
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2010-12-08 05:11