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Light-emitting bandage treats skin cancer
Last Updated: Monday, October 30, 2006 | 5:05 PM ET
CBC News
Scottish scientists have developed a bandage that emits light to fight skin cancer, saying it is less painful than the conventional treatment and can be used at home.
Created by physicist Ifor Samuel from the University of St. Andrews and dermatology consultant James Ferguson at Ninewells Hospital Dundee, the light-emitting adhesive patch contains its own light source and is so portable that patients can move around while under treatment.
The metallic patch — similar to a bandage or "sticking plaster," as they're known in Britain — uses an organic diode, which emits light when a low voltage electric current passes through it.
"It can be worn by the patient in a similar way to a sticking plaster, while the battery is carried like an iPod," said Samuel in a news release that his university issued Monday.
The new technology builds upon an existing method called photodynamic therapy treatment (PDT), which involves intense light combined with a pharmaceutical cream applied to the skin. The conventional method is more painful and requires patients to lie under the light for several hours.
"This new device will have a major impact on the treatment of skin cancers. The light-emitting patch is a low-cost, portable and convenient method of treatment. Our initial pilot trials have already shown its effectiveness and we find patients requesting this treatment over conventional methods," said Ferguson.
Skin cancer is a rapidly growing problem in Britain. Researchers estimate that about 10 per cent of Scotland's population — half a million people — will suffer from the disease at some point in their life.
It's also the most common cancer cancer in Canada, accounting for one-third of all newly diagnosed cancers, according to the Canadian Cancer Society.
Like other forms of PDT, the light patch treatment is only suitable for less serious forms of skin cancer.
Researchers, who believe that the technology could also be used in the cosmetic industry for anti-aging treatments or for conditions such as acne, hope to commercialize their invention. 本人已认领该文编译,48小时后若未提交译文,请其他战友自由认领。 编译:
据2006年10月30日5:05pm CBC 新闻报道:苏格兰科学家发明了一种发光绷带来治疗皮肤癌,他们表示相对于惯用疗法,这种疗法的疼痛较轻并能在家中使用。
这种发光绷带是由圣.安德鲁斯大学的物理学家Ifor Samuel和敦堤莱茵威尔斯医院的皮肤学顾问James Ferguson共同发明。发光粘贴片包含了光源,并便于携带,因此人们在治疗时也可随意走动。金属片(与英国人熟知的绷带和膏药相似)使用了一种有机二极管,当有低电压电流通过时便会发光。在周一的圣.安德鲁斯大学举行的新闻发布会上Samuel说:“人们可以象使用膏药后一样地丢弃它,而电池携带起来就如iPod。”
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2010-10-17 05:11