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Low carb, low fat diets pose similar heart disease risks
Wed Nov 8, 2006 10:02 PM GMT
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By Gene Emery
BOSTON (Reuters) - Low carbohydrate diets like the popular Atkins plan are no more likely to either cause heart disease, or prevent it, than a typical low-fat diet, a new study shows.
Indeed the rate of heart disease among women who follow a low carbohydrate diet is no higher than it is among women who eat foods that are low in fat and high in carbohydrates, researchers at Harvard School of Public Health found.
The study, which tracked 83,000 female nurses, was published in this week's New England Journal of Medicine.
"It's not that the two diets are equally good," Harvard's Thomas Halton told Reuters. "In fact, they're both equally bad," he said adding, "This is definitely an eye-opening study and it goes against a lot of what people think is common wisdom for nutrition."
Some previous studies have shown that the Atkins diet, which is low in carbohydrates and high in fat and protein, increased the risk of heart disease.
The only diet that reduces the risk of the disease -- and does so dramatically -- is one where the fat and protein come from vegetable sources, the researchers found.
Women who showed a much lower rate of heart attacks tended to get their protein from beans, legumes, oatmeal, whole grain, tofu and brown rice, and their fat from nuts, olive oil and canola oil.
"They had a 30 percent reduction in the risk of heart disease over 20 years, which I find shocking," Halton said. "You can get the positives of the low-fat diet and the positives of the low-carb diet, and none of the negatives."
The reason that vegetable sources of protein and fat are so beneficial, he said, is that those foods produce a gradual increase in the blood sugar, not the rapid spikes generated by low-fat foods that are high in high in sugar.
"The way Americans are going low-fat is very unhealthy," Halton said. "They have a very high glycemic load. They're taking sugar. They're taking white bread. They're taking white rice and pasta. That certainly isn't the answer."
Although the study tracked female nurses, "the pathology of heart disease is not all that different in men and women," Halton said. 波士顿(路透社)- 一项新研究表明:人们流行的所谓低碳水化合物饮食的Atkins计划(Atkins 前不久刚去世)相比于典型的低脂饮食,也许既不可能造成心脏病也不见得防止它发生。哈佛大学公共卫生学院的研究人员的确发现心脏病发生率在摄食低碳水化合物食品的女性中不比摄食低脂肪和高碳水化合物食品的女性高,这是她们跟踪研了83,000女护士所得的结果。她们的论文发表在本周出版的新英格兰医学杂志.
哈佛的托马斯Halton女士告诉路透社记者. "不是这两种饮食习惯同样好", "事实上,它们倒是都不怎么好"。她补充说,"这确实是一个令人瞠目的研究结果。它与许多被人们所认可的营养学知识是相违背的。
部分先前的研究显示, Atkins的饮食计划:即低脂肪、高碳水化合物和蛋白质,增加罹患心脏病的风险。 真者减少疾病的危险的唯一饮食方案(惊人的有效)是从蔬菜中获取脂肪和蛋白质的饮食。研究人员发现.远低于常人发生心脏病发作的女性往往从豆类、燕麦粥、全谷类、豆腐、糙米、和蔬菜中获取蛋白以及从果仁、橄榄油、芥花油中获取脂肪."她们的心脏疾病发生率在超过20年期间要比其他人降低30%。 “这让我觉得震惊", Halton女士说。"食用低脂低碳水化合物饮食,你可以得到正面效应,几乎没什么负面效果”。
因为来自蔬菜的蛋白质和脂肪是如此有益,她说:那些食品生产增加血糖是逐渐缓慢的、不像低脂肪高糖食物让血糖快速上升。"美国人采取低脂肪的饮食方式非常不健康" Halton女士说. 他们都会有高血糖负荷. 美国人摄入的糖份,白面包. 白米饭、通心粉面食等. 这不是健康的答案. "虽然这项研究追踪女护士,但心脏疾病的病理在所有男性和女性中并没多大的差异,所以还是有一定的指导意义。"Halton女士说.
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2010-09-30 17:11