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【技术产业】只要价钱合适, 诺华仍想并购
Last Updated: 2007-09-12 16:00:09 -0400 (Reuters Health)
LONDON (Reuters) - Novartis chairman and CEO Daniel Vasella said on Wednesday he would continue to look at acquisition targets but would be selective about doing deals, with internal growth the top priority.
"If we see opportunities to create value, with a good strategic fit, then we will seriously consider it -- but short of that, we won't," Vasella said in a webcast from an analysts' meeting in East Hanover, New Jersey.
"I don't think we have any business where we could not run by ourselves, where we absolutely need an acquisition. Having said that, if there are good opportunities we are trying to remain fast and flexible."
Vasella has a track record as a deal-maker and has said in the past he is ready to make "targeted acquisitions".
Earlier this year Novartis looked at U.S. biotech firm MedImmune, which ultimately went to AstraZeneca for more than $15 billion, and more recently it has been rumoured as a possible bidder for Bayer. 认领,24小时内上传译文, Novartis says M&A is an option if fit, price right
Last Updated: 2007-09-12 16:00:09 -0400 (Reuters Health)
LONDON (Reuters) - Novartis chairman and CEO Daniel Vasella said on Wednesday he would continue to look at acquisition targets but would be selective about doing deals, with internal growth the top priority.
伦敦-诺华主席兼CEO Daniel Vasella周三声称,他将继续寻找并购目标,但是会在优先保证内部增长的前提下选择适当的手段。
"If we see opportunities to create value, with a good strategic fit, then we will seriously consider it -- but short of that, we won't," Vasella said in a webcast from an analysts' meeting in East Hanover, New Jersey.
"I don't think we have any business where we could not run by ourselves, where we absolutely need an acquisition. Having said that, if there are good opportunities we are trying to remain fast and flexible."
“我们并不认为我们自己不能自己生产,但是我们的确需要一个合作伙伴,” Having表示,“只要有好的机会,我们会牢牢的抓住的。”
Vasella has a track record as a deal-maker and has said in the past he is ready to make "targeted acquisitions".
Earlier this year Novartis looked at U.S. biotech firm MedImmune, which ultimately went to AstraZeneca for more than $15 billion, and more recently it has been rumoured as a possible bidder for Bayer.
今年年初,诺华在关注美国医药免疫生物科技公司,但是后者最终$15 0000000的价格加盟AstraZeneca,最近据传他们将可能投标贝螺杀。
伦敦-诺华主席兼CEO Daniel Vasella周三声称,他将继续寻找并购目标,但是会在优先保证内部增长的前提下选择适当的手段。Vasella在新泽西东汉诺威一次分析会议上说:“只要我们发现有能创造价值的合适的目标,我们会认真的考虑的,反之,我们则不予考虑。”“我们并不认为我们自己不能自己生产,但是我们的确需要一个合作伙伴,” Having表示,“只要有好的机会,我们会牢牢的抓住的。”Vasella作为一个资深交易专家曾说,他已经做好寻求“合作目标”的准备。今年年初,诺华在关注美国医药免疫生物科技公司,但是后者最终$15 0000000的价格加盟AstraZeneca,最近据传他们将可能投标贝螺杀。 外星人?“贝螺杀“是德国拜尔
$15b等于150亿。 Having said that, if there are good opportunities we are trying to remain fast and flexible." Having表示,“只要有好的机会,我们会牢牢的抓住的。”
” Having表示 (这儿不是人名)
Vasella has a track record as a deal-maker and has said in the past he is ready to make "targeted acquisitions".
(Vasella是有良好业绩的并勾高手) [标签:content1][标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-06-29 05:45