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By NICHOLAS BAKALAR Published: February 25, 2011
Women taking fertility treatments can relax, researchers say: Despite the common wisdom, being worried or tense does not affect one’s chances of becoming pregnant
British researchers reviewed 14 prospective studies from 10 countries covering 3,583 infertile women who underwent a cycle of fertility treatments. Many studies on the subject with widely varying methodologies have been done, but this review, published online in BMJ, considered only those that rated emotional distress before treatment, and compared the rates in women who did and did not become pregnant afterward.
There is no question that fertility treatment can be stressful, and according to background information in the article, 30 percent of couples stop treatment because of the psychological burden. But no matter how they looked at the data, the researchers could find no association between high emotional stress and failure of the completed fertility treatment cycle.
The authors acknowledge that their review could not exclude the possibility that some biological mechanism connecting stress to fertility might be found using other methods or studying different populations.
But the lead author, Jacky Boivin, a professor of health psychology at Cardiff University in Wales, said stress was probably not the problem for women trying to conceive. “Dealing with stress,” she said, “should be more about improving people’s quality of life rather than improving their chances of conception.” Having a Baby: Stress Doesn’t Hamper Fertility Treatment, Researchers Conclude
By NICHOLAS BAKALAR Published: February 25, 2011
Women taking fertility treatments can relax, researchers say: Despite the common wisdom, being worried or tense does not affect one’s chances of becoming pregnant
British researchers reviewed 14 prospective studies from 10 countries covering 3,583 infertile women who underwent a cycle of fertility treatments. Many studies on the subject with widely varying methodologies have been done, but this review, published online in BMJ, considered only those that rated emotional distress before treatment, and compared the rates in women who did and did not become pregnant afterward.
There is no question that fertility treatment can be stressful, and according to background information in the article, 30 percent of couples stop treatment because of the psychological burden. But no matter how they looked at the data, the researchers could find no association between high emotional stress and failure of the completed fertility treatment cycle.
The authors acknowledge that their review could not exclude the possibility that some biological mechanism connecting stress to fertility might be found using other methods or studying different populations.
But the lead author, Jacky Boivin, a professor of health psychology at Cardiff University in Wales, said stress was probably not the problem for women trying to conceive. “Dealing with stress,” she said, “should be more about improving people’s quality of life rather than improving their chances of conception.”
但该文的主要作者Jacky Biovin,威尔士Cardiff大学健康心理学教授,称焦虑很可能不是试图怀孕的妇女要面临的问题,她说,处理焦虑并非是要提高受孕率,而是要改善人们的生活质量 干细胞 | 生命奥秘现在,生命科学领域已经出现了好几种可以达到这一目的的技术,但是它们无一例外都存在... s=news_rss YORK/编译 冠军: 量子机械——人类可同时身处两地 2010年3月,研究人员...www.lifeomics.com/?s=干细胞-2011-02-14-快照-生命奥秘" 滚动_新闻中心_新浪网2005年10月31日... 图文-带您走进法甲俱乐部 球员在理疗室接受治疗 俄可能投票否决威胁制裁叙... 新旗舰中心:1100点上方压力显现 2005年7月中国医药并购检测研究报告 美军...news.sina.com.cn/...1031.shtml-2005-10-31-快照-荧光蛋白 | 生命奥秘生物信息学和细胞生物学等学科最新的研究进展,探索生命科学、生物医药领域相关技术的... 授乳以及幼仔断奶后生长发育可能发生的影响.评定的主要依据是交配后母体受孕情况(...www.lifeomics.cn/?s=荧光蛋白-2010-11-17-快照-生命奥秘"[标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-03-01 00:28