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【J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg】1712名病人使用Bior公司的猪
Volume 137, Issue 1, January 2009, Pages 60-64
A 20-year experience of 1712 patients with the Biocor porcine bioprosthesis
The 20-year data from the ongoing long-term study of the St Jude Medical Biocor (St Jude Medical, St Paul, Minn) porcine bioprosthesis are reported. Earlier follow-ups have shown that the valve has excellent durability. After 20 years, will this continue to be true?
Data were obtained for 1712 patients who underwent valve replacement (1518 aortic valve replacements; 194 mitral valve replacements) with glutaraldehyde-preserved Biocor bioprostheses at Sahlgrenska University Hospital (Sweden) between 1983 and 2003. Follow-up after surgery was evaluated on alternate years using hospital records, interviews, and questionnaires.
At 20 years, the cumulative follow-up was 8843 and 1195 patient-years for aortic valve replacement and mitral valve replacement, respectively. Survival after aortic valve replacement was 17.7% ± 3.3%, and survival after mitral valve replacement was 16.4% ± 4.7%. Actuarial freedom from reoperation because of structural valve deterioration was 61.1% ± 8.5% and 79.3% ± 6.0% after aortic valve replacement and mitral valve replacement, respectively. (The equivalent actual/cumulative values were 85.6% ± 2.2% and 91.2% ± 2.6%, respectively.) In aortic valve recipients aged 65 years or less and more than 65 years, actuarial freedom from reoperation because of structural valve deterioration was 44.5% ± 9.2% and 92.1% ± 3.9%, respectively. The equivalent values in mitral valve recipients were 75.2% ± 7.6% and 88.0% ± 8.1%, respectively.
The 20-year data confirm the excellent valve durability reported at the 17-year follow-up after both aortic valve replacement and mitral valve replacement using the Biocor porcine bioprosthesis. A 20-year experience of 1712 patients with the Biocor porcine bioprosthesis
The 20-year data from the ongoing long-term study of the St Jude Medical Biocor (St Jude Medical, St Paul, Minn) porcine bioprosthesis are reported. Earlier follow-ups have shown that the valve has excellent durability. After 20 years, will this continue to be true?
目的:报告来自对圣 裘德医疗Biocor公司的猪来源的人工生物瓣膜(St Jude Medical, St Paul, Minn)的正在进行的长期研究中的20年的数据。早期随访已经显示,瓣膜的耐久性非常出色。20年后,是否还是这样?
Data were obtained for 1712 patients who underwent valve replacement (1518 aortic valve replacements; 194 mitral valve replacements) with glutaraldehyde-preserved Biocor bioprostheses at Sahlgrenska University Hospital (Sweden) between 1983 and 2003. Follow-up after surgery was evaluated on alternate years using hospital records, interviews, and questionnaires.
At 20 years, the cumulative follow-up was 8843 and 1195 patient-years for aortic valve replacement and mitral valve replacement, respectively. Survival after aortic valve replacement was 17.7% ± 3.3%, and survival after mitral valve replacement was 16.4% ± 4.7%. Actuarial freedom from reoperation because of structural valve deterioration was 61.1% ± 8.5% and 79.3% ± 6.0% after aortic valve replacement and mitral valve replacement, respectively. (The equivalent actual/cumulative values were 85.6% ± 2.2% and 91.2% ± 2.6%, respectively.) In aortic valve recipients aged 65 years or less and more than 65 years, actuarial freedom from reoperation because of structural valve deterioration was 44.5% ± 9.2% and 92.1% ± 3.9%, respectively. The equivalent values in mitral valve recipients were 75.2% ± 7.6% and 88.0% ± 8.1%, respectively.
结果;在20年的时候,主动脉瓣置换的累计随访的病患年数是8843,而二尖瓣置换术是1195。主动脉置换之后的存活率是17.7%± 3.3%,二尖瓣置换术后的存活率是16.4% ± 4.7%。主动脉瓣和二尖瓣置换术后因为瓣膜结构的破坏而导致二次手术的精算自由率[标签:content1][标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-04-19 17:11