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作者: 来源:新浪健康 发布者: 亦云 类别:新闻扫描
新研究负责人阿迪勒·萨夫德博士表示,这项研究的确证实“锻炼是长生不老泉”。(陈宗伦) 原文连接
Endurance exercise rescues progeroid aging and induces systemic mitochondrial rejuvenation in mtDNA mutator mice
A causal role for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutagenesis in mammalian aging is supported by recent studies demonstrating that the mtDNA mutator mouse, harboring a defect in the proofreading-exonuclease activity of mitochondrial polymerase gamma, exhibits accelerated aging phenotypes characteristic of human aging, systemic mitochondrial dysfunction, multisystem pathology, and reduced lifespan. Epidemiologic studies in humans have demonstrated that endurance training reduces the risk of chronic diseases and extends life expectancy. Whether endurance exercise can attenuate the cumulative systemic decline observed in aging remains elusive. Here we show that 5 mo of endurance exercise induced systemic mitochondrial biogenesis, prevented mtDNA depletion and mutations, increased mitochondrial oxidative capacity and respiratory chain assembly, restored mitochondrial morphology, and blunted pathological levels of apoptosis in multiple tissues of mtDNA mutator mice. These adaptations conferred complete phenotypic protection, reduced multisystem pathology, and prevented premature mortality in these mice. The systemic mitochondrial rejuvenation through endurance exercise promises to be an effective therapeutic approach to mitigating mitochondrial dysfunction in aging and related comorbidities. 散论-46 请关注《丁香园》对杨鸿智的批评 - 医学&生命科学专业...发表时间:2005-11-25回帖数:19在此处刊登广告对杨鸿智的《后现代理论医学》的批评意见 作者: 中国医药信息学会北京... to dxy.cn forum » 医药生命科学动态跟踪 ip 2005-11-28 有些人进行试验研究的...bbs.tongji.net/thread-31482... - 2011-02-01-快照-生命科学专业..." 科学成就健康文件类型:PDF/Adobe Acrobat- 文字版它们往往自吹是最新科学成果,或是祖传秘方被最新科学研究证实. 它们往往拉出“著名... 能发现一种延缓衰老、甚至返老还童的灵丹妙药.这种心态滋生了一个巨大的保健品市场....www.54md.com/...e/51766226.pdf-2011-02-01-科学成就健康" 生命与长寿必将推迟自身的衰老和延展自身的生命.为了便于深入研究,1982 年我与老 一辈专家在... 因此,有计划、有目的科学地进行体育锻炼,是增强体质最积极有效的手段. 其体质测定的...www.360doc.com/...199773.shtml-2010-07-29-快照-生命与长寿"[标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-03-01 00:23