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Quality and Quantity of Maternal Milk Impacts Stress Response of Adult Offspring
ScienceDaily (Feb. 3, 2011) — The Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu, stated that love not only attacks the heart, but also the head. New research findings from the Douglas Mental Health University Institute support this ancient claim, by demonstrating how a mother's love positively affects her offspring's developing brain. The two recently published studies highlight how maternal care makes the baby's brain less vulnerable to stress.
Mom's touch and diet

The quality and quantity of maternal milk and maternal-infant contact impact the stress response of the adult offspring, according to recent research published in Developmental Psychobiology. "This manuscript reviews and highlights how critical factors early in life can shape the physiology and behaviour of adult offspring," says Claire-Dominique Walker, Douglas research scientist and study senior author. "For example, we have shown that, in rodent models, maternal high-fat feeding during the prenatal and lactational period blunts stress responsiveness in neonatal pups. In addition, we demonstrated that maternal licking of pups also blunted adult sensitivity to stress." To put it in other words, they were less vulnerable to stressful situations.

Walker, also director of the Neuroscience Research Division at the Douglas and her team, including PhD candidate Lindsay Naef, suggest that these studies have important implications for human infants. Non-invasive interventions targeted at maternal nutrition and care, are relatively easy to implement and might have a significant effect on the health outcome of the infant.

Human maternal care studies

According to a new finding published in the Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience the level of parental care received in early life has an important impact on responses to stress of young men and women. This study looked at the influence of early life experiences on the ability of young adults to cope with stressful situations. Psychological and physical indicators of stress, and levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, were measured. "Surprisingly, both low and high maternal care groups were associated with reduced cortisol stress responses," says Jens Pruessner, Douglas research scientist and senior author of the study. "However, while the low hormonal stress levels in the high maternal care group were associated with high self-esteem, subjects in the low maternal care group exhibited low self-esteem."

Based on these findings, Pruessner and his team suggest that low levels of stress hormones might be good or bad, and that only when combining screening of cortisol stress responses with psychological assessments one can describe the individuals' risk to develop stress-related disorders. 重庆市科学技术委员会共轭亚油酸对生长育肥猪生长性能、胴体品质和肉品质的影响研究、共轭亚油酸对体外培... 登记号:渝科成登字2009R367单位名称:重庆医药高等专科学校 通讯地址:重庆市沙坪坝区...www.ctin.ac.cn/...spx?id=13833-2010-07-08-快照-科学技术委员会" 身心世界的和谐 - 中医基础版 - 爱爱医-华人医学论坛 - 医学专业...发表时间:2008-6-28回帖数:4强力推荐!!!!!一定要看完再下结论.在看完后你一定会有豁然开朗之感,从此开始新的生活,... 医学院的学生、住院医生长期受到药品行业和医药代表的影响,对药物和设备的依赖程度远...www.iiyi.com/bbs/viewthread... - 2010-12-26-快照-身心世界的和谐 - 中医基础版 - 爱爱医-华人医学论坛 - 医学专业..." 洪昭光健康养生精华集 - 心情茶座 - 研报论坛 研究报告|股票|报...发表时间:2007-8-6回帖数:3关爱自己 收获幸福 播种健康 收获和谐 今天的世界,人们都感觉很累.匆匆忙忙,纷纷扰... 快快乐乐一辈子.自己少受罪,儿女少受累,节省医药费,造福全社会.”这就是美好生命之最...bbs1.21our.com/thread-10488... - 2007-08-27-快照-健康养生精华集 - 心情茶座 - 研报论坛 研究报告|股票|报..."[标签:content2]




作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-02-05 14:53