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此次研究的带头人之一Nickolas Papadopoulos在电话采访中表示:“这是对癌症新的分子学观点。胰腺癌的基因构成可决定病人的病情。”


不过多数病例属于恶性腺瘤。胰腺神经内分泌肿瘤仅占胰腺癌的5%,较容易治疗,且病症较轻,大约40%的病人患病10年後仍未过世。(来源:生物通) http://www.sciencemag.org/content/early/2011/01/19/science.1200609
DAXX/ATRX, MEN1, and mTOR Pathway Genes Are Frequently Altered in Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors

Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (PanNETs) are a rare but clinically important form of pancreatic neoplasia. To explore the genetic basis of PanNETs, we determined the exomic sequences of ten nonfamilial PanNETs and then screened the most commonly mutated genes in 58 additional PanNETs. The most frequently mutated genes specify proteins implicated in chromatin remodeling: 44% of the tumors had somatic inactivating mutations in MEN-1, which encodes menin, a component of a histone methyltransferase complex; and 43% had mutations in genes encoding either of the two subunits of a transcription/chromatin remodeling complex consisting of DAXX (death-domain associated protein) and ATRX (alpha thalassemia/mental retardation syndrome X-linked). Clinically, mutations in the MEN1 and DAXX/ATRX genes were associated with better prognosis. We also found mutations in genes in the mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) pathway in 14% of the tumors, a finding that could potentially be used to stratify patients for treatment with mTOR inhibitors. 生命科学研究快报文件类型:DOC/Microsoft Word- 文字版生命科学研究快报 2004年第28期(总第63期) (仅供内部参考) 目录 【科技发展动态:科技... “禁止进口”的程度.H5N2型禽流感病毒危害性不大,不会再传染给人群,但却有可能变异...www.library.sh.cn/...04/63.doc-2010-11-15-生命科学研究快报" 欢迎大家积极提供生物及生命工程信息 - 业界热点资讯版 - 爱爱...发表时间:2010-12-19回帖数:0生物及医学新闻我们必须客观科学面对,不能来半点需要,这是做医生起码原则,现在我欢迎... 11月6日 每日动态 11月6日 研发进展 研究发现ct扫描降低肺癌死亡率 ct scans cut lung...www.iiyi.com/bbs/viewthread... - 2011-01-08-快照-生命工程信息 - 业界热点资讯版 - 爱爱..." 海山义工论坛-[环保专贴]珍爱生命,保护地球!近年来,科学家又进行调查,发现全球的臭氧层都不同程度的遭到破坏.南极上空的臭氧层... 2001年:天气、气候和水的志愿者 2002年:降低极端天气和气候灾害的危害 2003年:我们...www.h3yg.com/...dID=25&ID=3842-2006-07-06-快照-生命,保护地球!"[标签:content2]







作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-01-29 00:59