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Snaking a tube through the mouth could make weight-loss operation safer
Updated: 4:35 p.m. ET Oct. 13, 2006
CLEVELAND - Stomach-stapling surgery to combat obesity may be done in the future with a tube inserted through the mouth, making the procedure safer than using an incision and opening the way for more people to undergo it, doctors say.
Doctors have performed about 1 million bariatric surgeries worldwide, in which the stomach is stapled to make it smaller so people eat less, and experts say it’s the best method to lose weight and keep it off.
Doing the surgery without incisions will make it a lower-risk, lower-cost proposition and may be applicable to patients who are less obese than those who are currently considered for surgery, said Dr. Philip Schauer, head of bariatric surgery at the Cleveland Clinic, which is hosting a three-day meeting on obesity.
http://msnbc.msn.com/id/15253018/ 再认领这个吧 Obesity surgery without a scalpel?
Snaking a tube through the mouth could make weight-loss operation safer
CLEVELAND - Stomach-stapling surgery to combat obesity may be done in the future with a tube inserted through the mouth, making the procedure safer than using an incision and opening the way for more people to undergo it, doctors say.
美国路透社克立夫兰电 据医生说:将来,治疗肥胖的胃间隔手术将利用经口腔插入的导管进行,使其比开腹手术更加安全,使得更多人可以耐受。
Doctors have performed about 1 million bariatric surgeries worldwide, in which the stomach is stapled to make it smaller so people eat less, and experts say it’s the best method to lose weight and keep it off.
Doing the surgery without incisions will make it a lower-risk, lower-cost proposition and may be applicable to patients who are less obese than those who are currently considered for surgery, said Dr. Philip Schauer, head of bariatric surgery at the Cleveland Clinic, which is hosting a three-day meeting on obesity.
克利夫兰诊所肥胖外科主任Philip Schauer博士在该诊所举办的为期三天的肥胖会议上称:不开刀的手术治疗将降低风险并减少花费,与当前考虑手术治疗的患者相比,更适合轻度肥胖的患者。
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2010-12-23 05:11