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NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Feb 07 - A low-dose quadruple antihypertensive drug combination appears to be more efficacious than treatment with individual agents, according to preliminary findings presented by Irish investigators.
"Most people with high blood pressure need two to three separate antihypertensive drugs," senior investigator Dr. John Feely told Reuters Health. "Combining low doses of established antihypertensive medicines in a single preparation or capsule can produce better blood pressure control than full doses of individual drugs."
In the January issue of Hypertension, Dr. Feely and Dr. Azra Mahmud of Trinity College, Dublin, investigated this approach by studying 108 untreated, white, hypertensive patients.
They were randomized to monotherapy with one of four agents -- amlodipine 5 mg; atenolol 50 mg; bendroflumethiazide 2.5 mg; captopril 50 mg twice daily -- or to a capsule containing all four drugs at one quarter of the dose used for monotherapy.
At 4 weeks, the reduction in mean arterial pressure with the combination treatment was 19 mm Hg, significantly greater than that seen with amlodipine (10 mm Hg), atenolol (10 mm Hg), bendroflumethiazide (6 mm Hg) or captopril (11 mm Hg).
The combination treatment also resulted in a greater percentage reduction of systolic (18 mm Hg) and diastolic blood pressure (17 mm Hg). Moreover, 60% of combination patients achieved a blood pressure of less than 140/90 compared with 15% to 45% of patients taking individual drugs.
The combination approach, Dr. Feely concluded, "has the potential to reduce costs, with possibly fewer side effects, and the number of medicines to be taken each day."
In an accompanying editorial, Dr. John L. Reid, of the University of Glasgow, agrees, pointing out in remarks to Reuters Health that "the paper provides new insights into potential approaches using very low doses of available drugs."
However, he added, "there is still a lot of work to be done in optimizing the drugs and doses and in confirming long-term benefit over months and years."
Hypertension 2007;49:266-267,272-275.
http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/551822 本人已认领该文编译,48小时后若未提交译文,请其他战友自由认领。 Antihypertensive Combination More Effective Than Single Agent
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Feb 07 - A low-dose quadruple antihypertensive drug combination appears to be more efficacious than treatment with individual agents, according to preliminary findings presented by Irish investigators.
纽约(路透社 健康)2007年二月-爱尔兰研究者初步研究表明:低剂量的四种抗高血压联合用药似乎单独用药更有效,
"Most people with high blood pressure need two to three separate antihypertensive drugs," senior investigator Dr. John Feely told Reuters Health. "Combining low doses of established antihypertensive medicines in a single preparation or capsule can produce better blood pressure control than full doses of individual drugs."
“大部分高血压患者需要单独使用两到三种单独的抗高血压药物,”高级研究员John Feely告诉路透社 健康的记者。“将已有的抗高血压药以低剂量联合用于一种制剂或者说胶囊中比单独全剂量用药能更好的控制血压。”
In the January issue of Hypertension, Dr. Feely and Dr. Azra Mahmud of Trinity College, Dublin, investigated this approach by studying 108 untreated, white, hypertensive patients.
在《高血压》一月期中,来自Trinity学院的博士Feely及Azra Mahmud在108个未被治疗的高血压病人身上研究了这种用药方式。
They were randomized to monotherapy with one of four agents -- amlodipine 5 mg; atenolol 50 mg; bendroflumethiazide 2.5 mg; captopril 50 mg twice daily -- or to a capsule containing all four drugs at one quarter of the dose used for monotherapy.
他们被随即分配为使用四种药物之一的单一疗法-氨氯地平5 mg;阿替洛尔50 mg;苄氟噻嗪2.5mg;卡托普利50 mg每天两次或者被分到服用四种联合用药的组中,每种药剂量为单独用药的四分之一。
At 4 weeks, the reduction in mean arterial pressure with the combination treatment was 19 mm Hg, significantly greater than that seen with amlodipine (10 mm Hg), atenolol (10 mm Hg), bendroflumethiazide (6 mm Hg) or captopril (11 mm Hg).
The combination treatment also resulted in a greater percentage reduction of systolic (18 mm Hg) and diastolic blood pressure (17 mm Hg). Moreover, 60% of combination patients achieved a blood pressure of less than 140/90 compared with 15% to 45% of patients taking individual drugs.
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-03-10 17:12