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Amid a dry spell for breakthrough cancer drugs, recent U.S. approval of Eisai Co.'s Halaven represents some vindication for a small group of researchers who believe, contrary to recent pharmaceutical fashion, that molecules from nature hold promise against hard-to-treat diseases.
The Food and Drug Administration's approval of Halaven in November for treating late-stage breast cancer was a triumph of chemistry and tenacious research. Its path, extending nearly three decades from the first studies, demonstrates not only potential benefits but also some of the hurdles in the hunt within nature's bounty for drugs of the future.
... 浙江花园生物高科股份有限公司创业板首发招股说明书(申报稿)卫材制药等大型的生产企业退出了维生素市场;荷兰帝斯曼、德国巴斯夫和龙沙 公司纷纷... 发表了中科院上海生命科学 研究院林旭团队的最新发现:中国中老年人群血液维生素D ...www.htsc.com.cn/...chCat=zgsms-2010-08-27-快照-公司创业板首发招股说明书(申报稿)" [转载]未来五年有可能出现市值过千亿的医药工业企业吗?_居正则...博客名:居正则刚的博客发布时间:2010-06-23原文地址:未来五年有可能出现市值过千亿的医药工业企业吗?作者:智水仁山blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_65d... - 2010-06-23-快照-医药工业企业吗?_居正则..." 药学快讯(版权页)文件类型:PDF/Adobe Acrobat- 文字版FDA 否决辉瑞公司的骨质疏松药物 Oporia.30 卫材公司(Eisai)在美国为其抗癫痫药 ... id=22306) 美国科学家发现一种导致癌细胞产生自噬的病毒 生命经纬 2006 年5月11 日...www.lib.gdpu.edu.cn/...807.pdf-2010-10-28-药学快讯(版权页)"[标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-01-05 11:42