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Carbon Dioxide May Explain 'Near Death Experiences'

ScienceDaily (Apr. 7, 2010)

Near death experiences (NDEs), reported to include sensations such as life flashing before the eyes, feelings of peace and joy, and apparent encounters with mystical entities, may be caused by raised levels of carbon dioxide in the blood. Researchers writing in BioMed Central's open access journal Critical Care investigated the unexplained events in 52 cardiac arrest patients.
Zalika Klemenc-Ketis worked with a team of researchers from the University of Maribor, Slovenia, to examine patients who reported NDEs. She said, "Several theories explaining the mechanisms of NDEs exist. We found that in those patients who experienced the phenomenon, blood carbon dioxide levels were significantly higher than in those who did not."
Of the 52 patients, 11 reported NDEs. Their occurrence did not correlate with patients' sex, age, level of education, religious belief, fear of death, time to recovery or drugs given during resuscitation. They were more common in people who had previously experienced NDEs. According to Klemenc-Ketis, "Our study adds new and important information to the field of NDE phenomena. The association with carbon dioxide has never been reported before, and deserves further study." 原文

Zalika Klemenc-Ketis, Janko Kersnik and Stefek Grmec. The effect of carbon dioxide on near-death experiences in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survivors: a prospective observational study. Critical Care, (in press) [ http://ccforum.com/ ]

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附录一【科普】汶川机会: 开幕式的败笔 [精华]
http://www.dxy.cn/bbs/post/view?bid=116&id=11829349&tpg=1&ppg=3&sty=1#12030249 二氧化碳的保护效应

血清二氧化碳与肾对酸的排泄能力正相关(Berkemeyer 2010),与维生素E正相关(Reddy et al 1985)。学院男生血清二氧化碳高于女生(Kost et al 1987).


Van Dorp等人(2007)发现,在缺氧的条件下补充二氧化碳可以改善工作能力。Wei等人(2006)发现,高原鼠地洞中的氧气低,但二氧化碳高。




对于一般人来说,提高血液中的二氧化碳水平可能有助于提高生活质量。直接增加空气中的二氧化碳含量有一定效果【只要二氧化碳的比例低于5%就不会引起肺部炎症(Abolhassani et al 2009)】。目前还没有查到其他提高血液中二氧化碳水平的方法。也许氧气限制有一定帮助。


Abolhassani M, Guais A, Chaumet-Riffaud P, Sasco AJ, Schwartz L. 2009. Carbon dioxide inhalation causes pulmonary inflammation. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2009 Apr;296(4):L657-65. http://ajplung.physiology.org/cgi/content/full/296/4/L657

Berkemeyer S. 2010. Net acid excretion capacity is related to blood hydrogen ion and serum carbon dioxide. Metabolism. 2010 Mar;59(3):338-42. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6WN4-4XBF8W1-7&_user=2324792&_coverDate=03%2F31%2F2010&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_acct=C000056916&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=2324792&md5=e9a3e632ade79b779c820d70169f7a58

Hirakawa H, Nakamura T, Hayashida Y. 1997. Effect of carbon dioxide on autonomic cardiovascular responses to systemic hypoxia in conscious rats. Am J Physiol. 1997 Aug;273(2 Pt 2):R747-54.


作者:admin@医学,生命科学    2011-01-05 11:42