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Worms in Asian fish tied to liver cancer
By MARGIE MASON AP Medical Writer
Article Launched: 07/12/2007 11:37:33 AM PDT
HANOI, Vietnam—Worms found in freshwater fish in Southeast Asia can lead to a rare type of liver cancer in people who eat raw fish, with one province in Thailand logging the world's highest rate of new cases, a study found.
An estimated 6 million people are infected with the parasite in Thailand. High rates also have been observed in neighboring Laos, where a traditional dish is made from raw fish, according to the study in the online journal PLoS Medicine.
The worm, endemic in the Mekong River countries of Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia, is ingested through the fish and attaches to the liver. Over several decades, the infection can create ulcers and inflammation leading to tumors and cholangiocarcinoma, or cancer of the bile ducts. Most patients typically develop cancer in their 40s or 50s.
"It is quite slow growing. But when it turns out to be cancer, it is very rapid," said lead author Banchob Sripa of Khon Kaen University's Pathology Department in Thailand. "If you start out getting diagnosed today, maybe in the next six months you will die."
The disease is rare, making up less than 1 percent of all cancers worldwide in 2002. But it is much more common in Khon Kaen province, where liver cancer strikes nearly one in 1,000 men—nearly all cases bile duct cancer. Women are three times less likely to develop the disease, Banchob said.
Koi-pla, the Thai name for a dish of minced raw fish mixed with hot chilies and local spices,
is a staple in Khon Kaen. The fish are typically caught in rivers or ponds that are often contaminated by untreated sewage.
The worm can be eliminated from humans with praziquantel, a drug that is cheap and easily available. But another recent study showed that even though about half of those surveyed in Khon Kaen province had taken the pill at some point, the parasite was still present in about 30 percent, said Banchob.
In southern Laos, where people share the same culture and ethnic background as those in northeastern Thailand, villagers eat a similar raw fish dish and liver parasite infection is also a problem.
"It would be good to make them change their habits and attitudes in terms of eating raw, but it's very difficult," said Peter Odermatt of the Basel-based Swiss Tropical Institute, who has also done research on the parasite but did not participate in this study.
Little research has been conducted in Cambodia and Vietnam on the parasite, but raw fish dishes typically are not as popular in those countries.
Asia is home to about three-quarters of the world's liver cancers, caused largely by hepatitis B infections. 本人已认领该文编译,48小时后若未提交译文,请其他战友自由认领。 Worms in Asian fish tied to liver cancer
亚洲鱼类的虫子与肝癌有关 虫子与肝癌有关
By MARGIE MASON AP Medical Writer
Article Launched: 07/12/2007 11:37:33 AM PDT
HANOI, Vietnam—Worms found in freshwater fish in Southeast Asia can lead to a rare type of liver cancer in people who eat raw fish, with one province in Thailand logging the world's highest rate of new cases, a study found.
用世界伐木率最高的泰国一个省的一些新病例的研究发现,越南河内,在东南亚淡水鱼中的虫子能导致吃那些生鱼的人们得一种罕见类型的肝癌。(这句怎么翻译怎么不顺,请大家帮忙下 编译:
通过journal PLoS Medicine在线调查,估计有6百万人在泰国被寄生虫感染,用生鱼做传统菜肴的邻居老挝也被发现到有很高比率。
“它生长很慢,但是当它转变为癌时,生长就非常迅速了。”泰国Khon Kaen大学病理学研究部门的课题作者Banchob Sripa。“如果你今天开始被诊断为这种病的话,也许你将在接下来6个月会死掉.” 这种疾病很罕见,2002年全世界的癌症中还占不到1%。但是在千分之一的男人患肝癌几乎都是胆管癌的Khon Kaen省非常常见。女人发病少于男人的1/3发展为癌症,Banchob说
Koi-pla,用一盘细生鱼和红辣椒及当地的香味料混合在一起的泰国菜,在Khon Kaen是主要食物。这种鱼主要在被下水道的水污染的河或池塘被抓。
这种虫子能被人们用一种便宜有效的药吡喹酮消灭清除。但是另一个近期调查表明在Khon Kaen省的一些点尽管大约一半的被观察者已经吃了药,大约30%寄生虫还是会留在体内,Banchob说
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-03-30 17:31