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Author:Stephan Menne , Paul J. Cote, Scott D. Butler, Ilia A. Toshkov, John L. Gerin, Bud C. Tennant
Source:HEPATOLOGY 2007;45:614-622.
Abstract:Resolution of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is characterized by coordinated humoral and cellular immune responses. Immunity is durable over decades, protecting the host from reinfection and potential activation of residual HBV. Woodchucks infected at birth with woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) cleared viremia and developed antibodies to surface antigen (anti-WHs). Woodchucks became seronegative for anti-WHs 3-6 years later, but in some, WHV DNA was detected in serum, liver, and/or peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Those with WHV DNA had increased in vitro cellular immune responses to viral antigens, CD4 and CD8 markers, and Th1-type cytokines, suggesting active WHV-specific T lymphocytes. Immunosuppression for 12 weeks using cyclosporine A in such woodchucks resulted in transient reactivation of WHV replication. Serum of 1 woodchuck that became positive for WHV DNA during immunosuppression was inoculated into WHV-susceptible woodchucks, and a productive infection was demonstrated. The results indicate that after infection durable cellular immunity to WHV is essential for the long-term control of viral replication and is probably maintained by continuous priming from residual virus. Conclusion: These experimental observations demonstrate the potential of immunosuppression to reactivate HBV after resolution of infection.
注:此文以直接的证据表明了:免疫抑制将使体内残存的"静息状态"下的病毒再次复发,唯可惜此文不是在土拨鼠的肝移植模型上进行研究的,但也给了我们有关移植后病毒复发有力的间接证明. 我试着翻译一次。
摘要:Resolution of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is characterized by coordinated humoral and cellular immune responses. Immunity is durable over decades, protecting the host from reinfection and potential activation of residual HBV 请神农草版主按中英文对照格式发贴:) [标签:content1][标签:content2]
作者:admin@医学,生命科学 2011-05-24 05:11